Friday 15 July 2011


Don't try this things it may cause your website banned
  1. Hidden text   :   Hidden text is a simple text written that is not seen by user when they visit your webpage some webdesigner uses these kind of technique to put keywords on whole page to increase their position on Search Engine. For Eg: Your webpage is of white background and keyword text is also written in white color so it is not visible but crawler of search engine can view that and it give information to search engine and the position of website increased.
  2. Image tag spamming  :  These  is another way to fool the people. It is done putting keyword on the alt tag by keeping lot of keywords there position. Visitors doesn't see but search engine software can view and these help to increase rank of the website. 
  3. Meta Tag stuffing   :   What I'm referring to here is when people throw in thousands of the same exact keyword into their meta tags.
    For example, the following website is trying to rank well for "tents".
    <META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="adf, ADF, Adf, adf adf adf supplies,
    adf, adf adf, adf, adf,adf, ADF, Adf, adf adf adf supplies,
    adf, adf adf, adf, adf, adf, ADF, Adf, adf adf adf supplies,
    adf, adf adf, adf, adf, ">
    This is obviously ridiculous. Google doesn't use Meta Tags when ranking websites. Google
    WILL penalize it, but it WILL NOT help you... so, why would anyone do something like this?
    Stay away from it.
  4. Title Tag Stuffing  :  The title which we write in our website in title tag many times keyword are written. Pls don't do these It can banned your website .Always use only one time keyword in Title tag not more than one.

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